Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, whether harmfully there is every day an ice-cream (on 100 150)? Me potja...

01.08.2004, 03:28
Tell or Say, whether harmfully there is every day an ice-cream (on 100 150)? Me has pulled on sweet, but I have thought, what it is better to eat ice-cream, than sweets and pirozhenye? What do you think? Whether it is harmful and whether I shall type or collect excess weight iz-for it or him? Term of 29 weeks.

05.08.2004, 00:29
To this question to you then will be responded" with your figure. Ice-cream, certainly, "purer or cleaner" product rather than confectionery products, but also is enough vysokokallorijnyj (creamy grades). Success.

07.08.2004, 21:43
I during two beremennostej, only also ate sweet. And that, for 3 months has grown thin. The truth can be then a diathesis at the child, but it not always. At the senior son (now to him 2 years) were a diathesis, and at a daughter (3 months), no, so this all individually. So, that if would be desirable, esh to itself on health.