Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Thanks for the answer to my question from 24.07 in occasion of basal...

It is glad
07.08.2004, 13:09
Hello. Thanks for the answer to my question from 24.07 in occasion of basal temperature. I would like to specify. You have responded " Can, inflammatory process, can still something But the ovulation all the same is, so about sklerokistoze speeches cannot be. " It would be desirable to learn or find out that means " something can still ". And more the question in occasion of sklerokistoza, temeratura at me raises or increases, but the cycle is not present, delays happen from 1 till 4 weeks. Still I have put a tomography and as a result have written " a microadenoma of a pituitary body is not excluded ".
In such sluchaet about sklerokistoze all taki goes speech? Still to destination the doctor I drink Bromocriptinum. And as the doctor has told or said, to drink it or him I should up to pregnancy. But while those not pridvidetsja, whether it is possible to stop reception of a preparation (I badly transfer or carry it or him), or all taki is better to not risk and continue reception. Thanks.

Maljarskaja M.M.
07.08.2004, 20:35
Sklerokistoz and an adenoma of a pituitary body are two greater or big differences, Bromocriptinum have appointed or nominated for depression of Prolactinum, it or him it is possible will replace Dostinksom, it or him drink and less by-effects less often. On a background of excess prolaktna cystic changes of ovaries, but it not true zabolevnaie - a polycystosis or sklerokistoz sometimes develop, at this disease the ovulation is excluded. Time is an ovulation, means there is also a cycle simply at you duration of the first phase varies. High temperatuuraa in perju a phase can speak about many things: an inflammation, an endometriosis. A disadvantage of estrogens, wrong measurement, naddichii any not gynecologic disease, etc. and t. The item need to be chosen From this list not to you, and lechaemu to the doctor, therefore I did not write it or him, chtojuy YOU did not search at yourselves for what is not present. If beremennostdlja you it is desired, dostineks it is necessary (under kontrolemurovnja Prolactinum of a blood).