Просмотр полной версии : GOOD AFTERNOON are dear the doctor. I to you have some questions. 1. A lion...

05.08.2004, 00:06
GOOD AFTERNOON are dear the doctor.
I to you have some questions.
1. The left pipe is removed as a result of an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis, in right there was a hydrosalpinx, he is removed at laparaskopii. On danyj the moment of a hydrosalpinx in the remained pipe is not present (GSG, US, survey). Addressed in two different clinics on consultation on EKO, has as a result received 2 and raznyhmnenija. The first unequivocally to delete a pipe, the second, time there is no hydrosalpinx it is better to leave as excision of a pipe will lead to deterioration of a blood flow and vsledstviii it or this job of an ovary, and he at me from the right party or side rezetsirovan can worsen. It would be desirable to hear your opinion on this question.
2. What optimum term should pass or take place after a hysteroscopy prior to the beginning of the report? I know that the minimal term is one cycle. Tell or say as in your opinion to act or arrive more correctly to wait after procedure some time (5 6 months) or to begin the report at once?

Many thanks for the answer

Kamenetskij B.A.
07.08.2004, 17:47
The sactosalpinx really is the indication for carrying out of an operative measure, and here presence of an impassable uterine pipe by such indication is not. After a hysteroscopy, in case of if not was it is revealed pathologies endometrija the report can be it is begun in a following cycle. At repetition of procedure and definition of terms of its or her carrying out much depends on the results received in the first attempt (first of all the answer of an ovary to stimulating therapy). If with "answer" of problems did not arise and 12 14 ootids have been received to repeat stimulation it is possible and earlier. Yours faithfully,
To. M. n. B.Kamenetsky
For consultation i/or carrying out of procedure EKO you can preliminary enter the name to me on reception on bodies: (812 325 92 72; 312 30 65
/ Rossijsko-the Finnish Center AVA-PETER Sankt-Petersburg./