Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Tell or say, please, about a break in reception protivozachatochn...

06.08.2004, 07:36
Hello. Tell or say, please, about a break in reception of contraceptive tablets. I accept Logest more year, he completely approaches or suits me. Was at the gynecologist in the summer, has handed over all analyses, has asked about a break. She has told or said, that it is not necessary to do or make a break what enough to consult periodically at the doctor, and to women 30 years they still are more senior advise to hand over hepatic assays. Practically too to me have told or said and in a hot line on contraception, that pereryv-it is stress for an organism and it is possible to accept tablets so much, how much it is necessary. However, constantly I hear from familiar girls, that the break is necessary. Prompt, please.

Shishkanova O.L.
07.08.2004, 17:32
Ofitsialnfja versija-a break to do or make it is not necessary. In practice of a situation happen different (the woman disturb poor or scanty mnstrualnopodobnye reactions, etc.). To estimate or appreciate a situation probably on internal reception. As a last resort - consultation of the doctor of times in 6 months and the decision of a question on expediency of a break.