Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, please, how much vse-taki time there live spermatozoons in org...

04.08.2004, 00:57
Tell or Say, please, how much vse-taki time there live spermatozoons in an organism of the woman, saving thus ability to impregnate an ootid? A question not idle: in different sources - the different information (from 1 2 days till 7 day). Me it interests, as it is interesting to know, what probability of conception in my case: has stopped to accept OK (Triziston) which accepted 2 years, it is the second cycle, for 11 day there was a high-grade affinity, for 15 day - the test for an ovulation has shown two identical strias, for 17 day BT has risen with 36, 65 up to 37, 0, now 27 day - BT keeps 37, 1 - 37, 3, never decreased below 37, 0. How you think, whether I could become pregnant in this situation?

Pasenjuk A.M.
05.08.2004, 07:26
The spermatozoon can live in sexual ways of the woman till 7 day, on the average 5 day. Under the description - could become pregnant, but I can not approve or confirm.

06.08.2004, 22:29
Thanks for the answer, the doctor. I have really become pregnant. I have made on March, 25th two different tests (Budte are assured and Clear Blue), and both have shown two strias.