Просмотр полной версии : D-ru Pasenjuk: Thanks you for explanations. The analysis on HGCH has handed over - less than 50...

04.08.2004, 05:55
D-ru Pasenjuk: Thanks you for explanations. The analysis on HGCH has handed over - less than 50, but I have handed over urine already on 4 j day after the beginning of a bleeding. In fact the level of this hormone falls after an abortion or I confuse something. Now I drink Vicasolum last day, krovit very little, a few or a little;little bit bottom of a stomach or belly, but a giddiness vse-taki hurts sometimes too proceed. What to me to undertake? In advance thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
04.08.2004, 20:52
To repeat the analysis of a blood on HGCH and to make the general or common analysis of a blood (the anemia and gynecology here can at you at anything)

06.08.2004, 08:20
The general or common analysis of a blood handed over, when have brought on fast in hospital (27.06. 01.), a hemoglobin was 126, have told or said, it is good, but the feeling of faintness then was where more strongly.
Explain, why you consider or count, what it is necessary to repeat the analysis on HGCH?
Whether instead of any hormonal disturbance (splash can cause something). For a long time I had an abortion so I too in a syncope fell, the truth, only one day. Why it occured or happened then?

06.08.2004, 15:03
The general or common analysis of a blood handed over, when have brought on fast in hospital (27.06. 01.), a hemoglobin was 126, have told or said, it is good, but the feeling of faintness then was where more strongly.
Explain, why you consider or count, what it is necessary to repeat the analysis on HGCH?
Whether instead of any hormonal disturbance (splash can cause something). For a long time I had an abortion so I too in a syncope fell, the truth, only one day. Why it occured or happened then?