Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Continuation of my problem. Briefly: the stood pregnancy...

04.08.2004, 19:16
The dear doctor! Continuation of my problem. Briefly: the stood pregnancy on 8 weeks, on May, 1st cleaning, monthly in 1, 5 months, then in two weeks (always the cycle was 28), UZI-a hypoplasia of 1 degree, replaceable therapy three months Microfollinum + Turinalum (cycles as hours) + ginek. Massage of 25 times, vitamins, further UZI-the control (1 cycle) - a failure of the second phase, an ovulation occurs or happens, + gipoterioz. Purposes or appointments: Djufaston with 11 up to a delay, L-a thyroxine. 1: an ovulation pr. An ovary 15 day, with 24 on 28 put botched work korich., monthly normal after termination or discontinuance Djufastona; 2 cycle: ovul. The left ovary 11 day, monthly for two days there were 2 days of 5 days botched work earlier; 3 cycle: ovul. The rights. An ovary 15 day, botched work about the beginning of an ovulation about 15 days for 28 day, termination or discontinuance Djufastona, monthly temno-claret 1 day, botched work of 6 days; 4 cycle: The temperature of 1 phase 36, 6 36, 65 36, 7, 12 day - 36, 8, 13 14 day - 36, 9, 15 den-36, 8, further 36, 9, up to 37 does not rise, cervical slime is not present, today 19 day - is not present an ovulation. The doctor of anything plainly cannot tell or say, with sledjujushchego a cycle wishes to add Microfollinum with 5 for 18 day. Spravoj the parties or sides are spoken with something bad occurs or happens. City small analyses do or make a little. Tell or say approximately at you what that assumptions is, having read through that occurs or happens to me, whether is guilty in it or this Djufaston or L-a thyroxine why there is no ovulation, or all occuring or happening consequence of cleaning????? And more a question: if to cancel Djufaston, to not drink it or him constantly, and to start to accept at once as I learn or I find out about pregnancy or I shall miss the moment and there will be a repetition of a trouble. Please the answer to me on my questions, at me is not present while opportunities two months to go to the nearest in Peter or Moscow. Thankful in advance.

Pasenjuk A.M.
06.08.2004, 07:31
Considering allocation it is necessary to exclude an endometriosis and an inflammation of a uterus (US in second half of cycle + aspiratsionnaaja a biopsy endometrija for 21 23 day) because similar can be as a result of a currettage. But... Allocation can be an attribute of an intolerance djufastona + an attribute of a failure ljuteinovoj phases (when djufaston it is necessary!) - I would recommend to cancel djufaston for a month and if will be vydeleny, to replace a preparation. AT offensive or approach of pregnancy Progesteronum will be necessary for you. And more. I personally do not see an occasion for purpose or appointment of Microfollinum - to you is shown at exception of the aforesaid stimulation of an ovulation.