Просмотр полной версии : Whether prompt pozhajlusta it is necessary to wear a bandage? As I have understood opinions on this with...

02.08.2004, 03:16
Whether prompt pozhajlusta it is necessary to wear a bandage? As I have understood opinions on this bill different. If yes, in what cases?

02.08.2004, 05:27
As to me have told or said, if to you in a bandage it is easier, than without it or him - wear. If is not present - that is not present.

04.08.2004, 14:38
I did not wear a bandage. In itself it was not convenient me. Speak it or him to wear it is necessary, that the head of the child has correctly entered into patrimonial ways (about it or this I have learned or have found out only in the extremity or end of pregnancy). If you will choose a bandage. Do or make it very much chshchatelno!!! I have paid a heap of money, and as a result even could not wear at me from it or him all body grew dumb, even arms or hand swelled!
Do not disdain to measure unknown stamps, there there are not bad models. It is a pity, that I have late understood it.

06.08.2004, 05:28
I wore a bandage both in the first, and in the second pregnancy. He helped or assisted me, it is easier to wear a stomach or belly, and the doctor speaks, that he promotes a good circulation.