Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. At me a following problem: before I have begun prim...

02.08.2004, 11:46
Hello, the doctor. At me a following problem: before I have started to apply OK a menstrual cycle at me was irregular 28 - 35 days. One and a half year I applied OK. Monthly became regular. Last 3 months I do not accept contraceptive tablets. Bleedings at me repeat practically on a regular basis in 21 22 days, but last on 8 - 10 days. With what it can be connected? Whether it is necessary to me to pass or take place seryoznoe inspection, including a capture of analyses and US?

03.08.2004, 18:27
Funny:)))), I nik became such popular, that under it or him write practically all:))) and in all konfirentsijah:)))!!!
Thanks God, at me such problems are not present:)))!

The anonym
04.08.2004, 13:17
Malyshka 2, and pochumu you have solved what is it yours nik, it can nik Malyshki 1, and you for her repeat:)))))))

Present or True Malyshka:)
05.08.2004, 23:46
I already under it or this anybody the whole year:), and on this site since the last year:)! Than to prove:)?
Well there should be rights on protection nikov that any foolish assumptions on me did not creep and in the mercenary purposes did not use mine anybody!
Well really it was impossible to be called as a normal name? That for impudence! Theft nika, and any more first time: (((!!!