Просмотр полной версии : At me 22 weeks of pregnancy. Have tortured allocation, especially in the morning when vst...

30.07.2004, 00:05
At me 22 weeks of pregnancy. Have tortured allocation, especially in the morning when I rise from bed, I resemble a little, and appears, the albesent liquid more correctly follows from a vagina. And in the afternoon simply to have to use daily linings. Whether it is normal?

02.08.2004, 17:08
nenaju, it is normal or not, itself I experience, at me 26 weeks, the same problem: - ((devchenki who a string advise us with what it can be connected?

03.08.2004, 04:51
Girls, to us of 20 weeks and too most - especially since morning: (at Easier or Simply night in goriz. polozh-ii you sleep and poetomu since morning all collected for a night follows:) Speak, that eto nomano, but I want vse-taki a smear on flora (thrush) to hand over:)
Success and health!

04.08.2004, 00:01
To us 35 nedelik, handed over analyses it's OK!
But the liquid follows... By the way, always thought, it is what is it normal:-)

05.08.2004, 17:07
Girls, it is normal! Do not experience! At me allocation it is constant, and the thrush was in the second trimester. After it or her already handed over a smear twice and he was "good", but allocation have not stopped. Certainly I advise on a thrush to be checked up necessarily, but do not exhaust myself in this occasion. All of success!