Просмотр полной версии : My mum (58 years) has passed or has taken place a course of radial therapy (diagonoz - - a cancer of a stump shejk...

04.08.2004, 10:10
My mum (58 years) has passed or has taken place a course of radial therapy (diagonoz - - a cancer of a stump shejki uteruses of 3 stages, it was originally operated 10 years ago). The forecast - - positive, but the irradiation has given complication on kidneys. Mum wishes to continue a selftreatment grasses. From friends has learned or has found out about Michael Vasilevicha Goljuka's prescription. As the scheme or plan of reception of grasses includes also poisonous plants, it would be desirable to learn or find out the exact prescription, proportions and the scheme or plan of acceptance of the grassy collecting of M. Goljuka. Whether will do much harm such treatment after the passed or taken place course of an irradiation? Can eat any other well checked up techniques, given a positive effect at treatment of such cases.

Savchenko A.A.
05.08.2004, 14:49
About proportions ask at Goljuka. I do not advise you to listen to advice or councils of similar "doctors". The basic part from them - swindlers, the others - mentally unhealthy people.