Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Urgently! A question on pregnancy! Term of 33 weeks, on US op...

05.08.2004, 09:44
The dear doctor! Urgently! A question on pregnancy! Term of 33 weeks, on US have defined or determined a presenilation or senilism of a placenta and it is slightly slightly opened shejka. The doctor frightens of threat of premature birth or births, has appointed or nominated treatment: aktovegin, ginipral (nyxes and tablets), Persantinum, magnesia. Fights at me are not present, a uterus not in a tonus. Your opinion, whether will be in my situation of harm from such treatment? In advance thanks.

Soboleva L.I.
05.08.2004, 12:02
Dear Olga! If shejka uteruses it is slightly opened, really threat of an abortion exists. Therefore it is necessary to spend treatment and organichit itself in loads, long walking.