Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me a problem which I and could not solve. In current...

The anonym
04.08.2004, 20:18
Hello. At me a problem which I and could not solve. In current of three years I accepted contraceptive tablets Rigevidonum. I have bought or purchased their itself in a drugstore because the doctor has told or said, that to me early still them to accept (me then 18), but I am tired from that that at me a menses were irregular, pauses between them at times was up to 40 60. In current of reception of tablets I felt well. After I have stopped reception of tablets, for 3 months I have typed or collected 18 kg. Has passed or has taken place year in which current I tried or tasted zaberemennet, nothing has turned out. It not the first attempt to get or start the child (has in marriage left in 16 years and 2 years it was not protected) For this time I have moved to Germany, but doctors to me so and have not made anything, smears have taken have told or said that it's OK. After I have gone to Russia and have handed over analyses there, I shall write them below. At me the request to you: I wish to learn or find out my status, I was at genikologa-the endocrinologist and she has told or said, that at me that's all right, the hormonal balance is not broken or disturbed. At all this the pause between a menses was 4.11.00 - 10.03.01 and was accompanied by strong pains. I was at it or her on reception in January, have registered a solution of Progesteronum of 2.5 % on 1 ml v/m 3 times which has not helped or assisted me. I could not get again to the doctor, urgently it was necessary to leave. I have again started to accept Rigevedon. The last 3 menses of steel maloobilnymi, and previous was late for one day and has passed or has taken place only 1, 5 days. I do not know that to me to do or make, I very much want the child, but to throw tablets I am afraid now. If it is possible, naznachte for me course of treatment, solutions and tablets to me will bring all from Russia. US of a uterus, appendages (transvaginalno). 22.12. 2000. The Body of the womb in position anteflexio-versio, the sizes 3.8/3.4/2. 6. Contours equal, ehostruktura homogeneous. M-an echo 0, 9, homogeneous. shejka in the sizes 3, 0/2, 6/2, 3, with fine cystic includings or incorporations, mainly on pereferiidiametrom up to 0, 6. The left ovary in the sizes 2, 9/2, 2/2. 0, anologichnoj ehostruktury. In the field of appendages from both parties or sides linear ehopozitivnye structures or frames. The conclusion. A hypoplasia of a body of the womb. Disharmony of thickness endometrija to a phase of a cycle (it is less than norm or rate) Melkokistoznyeizmenenija ovaries. Attributes of the transferred or carried inflammatory process in the field of appendages. Definition in Serum of a blood of Prolactinum (avt. A method) the Name Prolactinum result 269.0 units of measurement mme/ml norm or rate 61 512 name TTG result 1.15 units of measurement mme/ml norm or rate 0, 4 4, 0.
Definition of Testosteron-Depotum. Testosteron-142.0 ng/dl 50-180/dl Definition in Serum bloods FSG (automatic device) hormone Folikul. Stimulus a hormone Result 5.4 Units of measurement mme/ml f. f 3.4 10 Norm or Rate about. p 5.7 20 l. f 1.9 10 menopause 41 124 hormone ljuteinzirujushchy Result 7.6 Units of measurement mme/ml f. f 1, 6 8, 3 Norm or Rate about. p 16 44 l. f 0, 7 8, 1 menopause 12 36 Analyses of a blood have been made 29.09.2000

Rabaev S.G.
05.08.2004, 04:57
Really, serious occasions for sterility or barrenness are not present and there is all chances of success. But, unfortunately, to appoint or nominate the concrete scheme or plan of treatment not seeing the patient and not having an opportunity to supervise a course of treatment we do not consider or count possible or probable.