Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor at me have appeared allocation which do not pass or take place during...

04.08.2004, 05:42
The dear doctor at me have appeared allocation which do not pass or take place within 3 weeks. Similar as at a thrush (an itch, allocation as the curtailed or turned milk), but with a unpleasant smell. The sexual partner one. The matter is that 4 years ago I have given birth to the dead child in time (he has died some hours prior to sorts or labors). As doctors have explained to me because of chlamydias. After that from time to time I was treated for chlamydias, a mycoplasmosis, kl. Cells. Last analyses were normal. However, from time to time I have problemmy (allocation with a smell, an itch) and am afraid zaberemenit since I do not want that that has occured or happened 4- year back has repeated. Whether there are any analyses or any inspection which can give me confidence of a birth of the healthy child? In advance I thank.

Pasenjuk A.M.
04.08.2004, 10:09
Crop on flora with definition of sensitivity to antibiotics, crop on mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas, the analysis of a blood on a fetal infection + obligatory inspection of a thyroid gland + to exclude a diabetes mellitis, the latent form. If live in Moscow, the listed analyses do or make all in ours medtsentre "biotestlnn" (265-5244)