Просмотр полной версии : Girls, kind all morning! At me a delay of 5 days last night and sednja mornings...

27.07.2004, 12:59
Girls, kind all morning! At me a delay of 5 days last night and sednja in the morning the test has shown tooooneeenkuju a stria sero-a pink shade, last week, I apologize, tore. Delicacy any not clear, would be desirable to sleep constantly. How think I can be pleased or early? Thanks all

30.07.2004, 04:17
Even the weak stria testifies to pregnancy) I Congratulate.

31.07.2004, 17:53
I think can be pleased:-). Welcome to a forum "pregnancy". Success also take care.

04.08.2004, 05:20
JUlja if opkazal though tosenkuju, to be pleased it is possible, BUT descend or go to the doctor to exclude everyones "BUT". Success to you and my congratulations!