Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me 35 weeks of pregnancy, me cauterize kandilomy liquid...

30.07.2004, 10:39
Hello! At me 35 weeks of pregnancy, me cauterize kandilomy liquid nitrogen of times in a week (platno), besides it or this method PTSR it is revealed: gardinella, both of a kind ureoplazmy and a candidiasis (control). Agents obrashchatsja in the paid centers are not present, in female consultation have registered for treatment the following: first terzhinan (result zero), after geksikon (result - zero), and now Nistatinum 1 tab. 4 of time in day of 14 days + eritramitsin 0, 5 too 4 times in day of 14 days + Viferon 3 on 1 over for night of 10 days. Reaction: the nausea, a vomiting, diarrhea and pains in the field of a stomach (at me a chronic cholecystitis), today was at other doctor in to, she has cancelled eritrometsin and Nistatinum and has appointed or nominated Clotrimazolum (vaginalnye tablets) 1 tab. to night of 6 days. It is necessary to notice, that me disturb yellow allocation with an acidic smell, an itch and " komkovatyj scurf " in the internal party or side of external sexual labiums. I am washed away with an interval at an o'clock when there is an opportunity...
It seems to me, that me " not so " treat... pomolgite pozhajlusta!

Malanova T.B.
01.08.2004, 04:56
1. Krndilomy during pregnancy it is not necessary to cauterize. After sorts or labors they will fall off. 2. To be washed away with an interval at an o'clock - it is not necessary. 3. Last variant of treatment is really insufficient, but correct.

04.08.2004, 03:56
Thanks for the answer. He has generated new questions.
1. Vo-the first what to do or make with course of treatment of condylomas which is paid? The doctor has told or said, that differently - cesarean.
2. How besides podmyvany to struggle with an itch? The doctor advises butter or oil to grease...
3. To me have advised to buy or purchase and use " girlfriends of mum " "Malavit", think costs or stands?