Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte. Prompt please, to me recently have made US of ovaries and matk...

02.08.2004, 04:51
Zdrastvujte. Prompt please, to me recently have made US of ovaries and uteruses. The doctor has told or said, that at me the uterus has wrong development and in the sizes on US infantile development turns out. Ovaries are developed and work normally. I accept novinet. Still ienja disturbs, when we only start to be engaged in sex with the husband at me in the beginning very morbidly, and then gradually passes or takes place, but the most interesting after the sexual certificate or act a semen from me all follows. Snachalo I did not pay attention, and now me disturbs. To the gynecologist did not address. But most of all me volnet, now to me 22 year and year through 2 I plan the child, I will not have problems with conception? Thanks big in advance for the answer.

Malanova T.B.
04.08.2004, 02:09
Whether there will be problems with conception, tell or say now I can not. While no trouble is not present.