Просмотр полной версии : We tried so much, in the extremity or end there is nothing it has not turned out. At me an hour ago n...

The anonym
02.08.2004, 15:04
We tried so much, in the extremity or end there is nothing it has not turned out. At me an hour has begun minstruatsija (already spoils also red maculae) ago. With 12 go day of a cycle up to the extremity or end we were concerning. And we so waited for it or this. But why there is nothing it has not turned out? Whether there Were you such situation?

04.08.2004, 01:16
Very seldom it turns out from the first (and it is usual when it is not necessary:)). I advise to count up the period of an ovulation and to not be engaged in sex every day, t. To. Do not give spermatozoons enough time to ripen. In a day it will be optimum. And not rastraivajtes, at all - to a miscellaneous, can in general only in half a year, and even it is more come or step pregnancy. Success!