Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me white allocation, neither a smell, nor any others si...

01.08.2004, 19:15
At me white allocation, neither a smell, nor any other signs are not present. Went to the doctor (the therapist to get to the gynecologist the direction from the therapist is necessary, all occurs or happens in Canada), has examined, has made a smear, has told or said, that it's OK. Through mesjats-another has gone to other doctor, has told everything, she speaks me, time he has told or said, that all is normal - to worry there is nothing. I to her " but at me allocation and it am not normal for me ". She to me (not looking) " well, good, have a drink tablets, come in 3 weeks (while only 2 has passed or has taken place) ", has written out the prescription (metronidazole). Has not warned, what is it an antibiotic, that he causes a sleepiness and a giddiness (that and has occured or happened to me), well good would help or assist, so is not present. While the saw their (week) was better. Now, in a week - the same, even - to mine, worse.
What is it can be (it I already about vydelenijah, instead of about medicine:)?
P. S. And it is possible the answer for s71cc02@yahoo. com? Thanks in any case:)

Malanova T.B.
02.08.2004, 09:40
At you can be usual cyclic allocation. Observe the cycle.