Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me term 35 ned.. In a smear have found a bouquet from a candidiasis, ureop...

30.07.2004, 06:34
Hello! At me term 35 ned.. In a smear have found a bouquet from a candidiasis, ureoplazmy, mycoplasmas and papilomavirusa. A candidiasis treated pimafutsinom and ginopevarilom. Result temporary. The doctor has advised to treat papilomavirus Rovamycinum + Nistatinum + viferon. I would not like to accept tablets in general. Whether I can avoid reception even Rovamycinum. Also tell or say, please, my infections are how much harmful to the child! Thankful in advance!

Pasenjuk A.M.
31.07.2004, 15:59
At the given stage are not especially harmful. Therefore prosanirujte a vagina (spend the specified treatment, that bu there was no becoming infected of the child in sorts or labors) and wait for sorts or labors.

02.08.2004, 07:12
Thanks for the answer from June, 6th 17.03.56!