Просмотр полной версии : Girls! One of these days has visited or attended shop for newborns! Has decided to buy veshchich...

21.07.2004, 00:39
Girls! One of these days has visited or attended shop for newborns! Has decided to buy veshchichek for budujushchej dochurki, but the seller has told or said, that it is enough 3 4 raspashenki, 3 toddlers, 15 diapers, 3 shapochki...!!! Really malyshke will suffice so a little?

The anonym
21.07.2004, 14:57
Quite will suffice, if will use pampers

24.07.2004, 04:03
Hello Olja! It is better to not take a great interest or be fond in Pampers. We them wore on walk, on a visit and in especial cases, for example when very coldly houses.
And for mine malyshki here that was useful:
Diapers 10 tonk. And 20 warm
Baby's undershirts 6 warm and 4 thin
Certainly diapers usual gauze 30 pieces
shapochki we did not wear the house in general I bought 1 knitted under street caps to dress.
Toddlers 30 pieces
And the rest gathered additionally as required
Still I wish to advise buy or purchase big kombez for the winter and zapravte in inside sleeves and shtaniny so that to the child did not stir or prevent (if he to be born more close to winter) and use as an envelope with a blanket of more fuss at me simultaneously with me have given birth to 4 more mine of the girlfriend and all of us so have made. Success to you

24.07.2004, 19:36
http: // forum. materinstvo. ru/index. php? act = ST and f = 37 both t = 20396 and s = 4e71d323da91922e939c8df83bd06fe7
Olja, descend or go to this address, will find many practical advice or councils.

26.07.2004, 19:54
Usually take oklo 5 6 pieces of thin baby's undershirts and as much bajkovyh, about 10 thin diapers and 15 bajkovyh. SHapochek really it is not necessary much. They will be necessary for street, warm more. About gauze diapers it do not agree - what for they are necessary? Eternally wet child (and from the moment of a birth he will be written very much often), not having a rest mum and as result - depression of a lactemia. Pampers are not worse at all and if to understand - a principle same, as well as at any diaper (though also gauze). So while the kid still absolutely small - can safely use pampers, certainly arranging him air baths. At me in general problems were not with it or this. And, having got used always to be dry, the child was very quickly accustomed to go on a pot (only 2 times it was described). And diapers I have bought or purchased pieces 5, used them of 2 weeks and have decided the kid to not swaddle. He at once began to sleep all the night long, probably, was diskomfortno rolled up. So now even a diaper I shall not take, has already bought or purchased small kostjumchiki for newborns. And there are more than doctors now recommend to not swaddle the child, and to enable him to develop ruchki-legs or pinches since the birth (and the blood circulates is better, and the kid is faster razvivaesja, understands for what extremities in general are necessary to him). It, certainly, business of everyone, I have simply expressed the opinion, being based on experience vospitanja of the first boy. Success!

27.07.2004, 01:45
I wish to disagree with Ekaterina. To you has simply carried. I worked up to dikreta as the tutor and many parents ask as to disaccustom to pampers. Very much many children simply do not fix the moment of an emiction it or him always chilly. Naturally asks on a pot they ine think. And still there is an opinion that to boys in general harmfully t. To in pampers very warmly, and it is indirectly the reason of an impotency at men.

28.07.2004, 16:06
Baby's undershirts are not convenient, t. To. Constantly raspahivatsja, it is better koftochki on buttons or rapashonki on outsets.

31.07.2004, 10:43
I do not agree with several advice or councils. "Clothes" of the newborn exclude any buttons, sites and so forth the Second, it is not necessary early "raspelenyvat" the kid, in fact he can injure itself itself(himself), and during a dream, and wakefulnesses - to twist the handle, or to stick to itself into an eye, to pull something in a mouth (by the way about buttons!!!). Well and certainly with pampers it is necessary to not go too far. The kid at once can at someone has thought that to what, and here my niece was wetted " under itself " even after 3 h (!!!) years iz-that from thoracal age has been accustomed to it or this.

02.08.2004, 04:25
Greetings of the girl it again Anna. Was not too lazy descended or went to pediatrists. My question and the answer of the PEDIATRIST even doctor ovechaet Further follows is strange though kakojto.
Hello Maria Alekseevna! Whether Raskazhite please really "Pampers" are harmful if to wear them constantly? From the pediatrist I have not received the intelligible answer. And how their wearing affects on development of genitals of the boy? Many thanks. Yours faithfully Anna. Dosvidanija.