Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say up to what duration of gestation it is possible to fly by the plane? And if to me l...

29.07.2004, 09:43
Tell or Say up to what duration of gestation it is possible to fly by the plane? And if to me to fly at 24 and 27 as it can be reflected?

01.08.2004, 06:59
Fly, if well itself feel and there are no contraindications (a toxicosis, threat, a finding under constant observation).

The anonym
02.08.2004, 03:09
Pregnant women onboard the plane
Summer. It is time holidays. The excellent or different opportunity nakonets-that to go on the sea and to have a rest. But you disturbs, as this flight will be reflected in the child who has not born yet. And whether will allow you to sit down in general in the plane?
If labors at you are assumed within the nearest month, that is a duration of gestation of 36 weeks at loading aboard the plane you should show or present the document from the attending physician - its or his written approval to flight. And, be signed it should not earlier than for a week before flight.
Native Russian Aeroflot supposes to flight of women with for only till 36 weeks.
Some companies, for example German company " Lufthansa " does not take aboard women, since term in 6 months.
For Dutch KLM - the information or inquiry (see above) is necessary, but plus in her there should be a conclusion of the doctor about guarantees of absence of sorts or labors onboard.
For French Air France: the information or inquiry with expected for sorts or labors is necessary.
SAS can take away you without the information or inquiry only at term of 4 weeks (!), all the others about terms - only under the information or inquiry from the doctor.
English British Airways signs you without the information or inquiry with for in 28 weeks, from 28 till 36 weeks - only from the written sanction of the doctor where expected term of sorts or labors is underlined.
Pleasant travel!

www. ma-ma. ru