Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, if in second half of cycle after enough intensive polovo...

31.07.2004, 06:39
Tell or Say, if in second half of cycle after enough intensive sexual certificate or act, right after it or him any time go krovjanistye allocation is can be consequence or investigation of activity, or it can be a sign of any disease? (29 years, did not give birth or travail)

Malanova T.B.
31.07.2004, 16:29
Most likely at you erosion shejki uteruses. It is necessary to descend or go on reception as contact allocation always than that are caused.

01.08.2004, 13:33
And if I healed erosion 6 years ago a method of cryotherapy and at inspection in poslednii years shejka uteruses was in a "excellent" status (according to the gynecologist). Whether there could be an erosion again for the last half a year? Thanks for the previous answer!