Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I am flied or treated from gardnelereza. The doctor has registered to me suppositories terzhinan....

30.07.2004, 12:18
Hello! I am flied or treated from gardnelereza. The doctor has registered to me suppositories terzhinan. But the matter is that at me from them awfully strong burning sensation at once has begun. And in general, I have noticed, that at me such reaction to all vaginalnye tabletkii suppositories (I tried or tasted Clotrimazolum, Betadin). Please, podskazhit from what there can be such pains?

Pasenjuk A.M.
01.08.2004, 04:14
Most likely you have an allergy on the given group of preparations, you need to exclude mestno treatment by such forms (suppository) and to try to use ointments - dalatsin, Metronidazolum

01.08.2004, 11:26
Tell or Say, please, than to treat a thrush?
Pimafutsin? Suppositories? Malovit?