Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Tell or say please why there is a tonus of a uterus during be...

30.07.2004, 19:07
Hello. Tell or say please why there is a tonus of a uterus during pregnancy how he influences a fetus, and whether it is possible to avoid it or him in following pregnancy? And more: labors were on 8 mark scale, and later doctors have put diagnoz-lesion TSNS, as consequence or investigation of a birth trauma. Who in it or this is guilty: the doctor which accepted labors? And whether it was possible to avoid it or this? Umenja send or have departed waters, and has given birth in 13 hours + to a double encirclement around of a neck and a thorax.

01.08.2004, 07:08
It is a lot of variants (an encirclement hard or not? Whether there is an infection. What rate of sorts or labors was?). Do not waste time, be engaged in the child!