Просмотр полной версии : Pregnancy 21 week. Under analyses of 15 weeks estriol-6, 9, AFP-78 ME..

28.07.2004, 15:43
Pregnancy 21 week. Under analyses of 15 weeks estriol-6, 9, AFP-78 ME ED, HGCH-75 tys
Whether these data are normal? Why the theelol is raised or increased? Many thanks!

29.07.2004, 04:39
Dear Light! It is impossible to answer your question, not knowing norm or rate of the given laboratory. The theelol can be raised or increased due to intensifying a blood flow through a placenta. The doctor of the maximum or supreme category akusher-ginekolog-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

31.07.2004, 04:19
And the raised or increased level of a theelol cannot speak about deviations or rejections in a fetation? And whether what the blood flow through a placenta is raised or increased is good? Many thanks for the answer