Просмотр полной версии : I write to you with hope that you will help or assist me. Unfortunately doctors to which...

Zhakova Marina
30.07.2004, 12:10
I write to you with hope that you will help or assist me. Unfortunately doctors to which I addressed cannot help or assist me, potomu-that do not know that with me. I the second year cannot zaberemenit. The matter is that at me a late ovulation. For 17 25 day monthly. I accepted klostilbegit (2 courses for 3 months), and djufaston 7 months but nothing helps or assists. One doctor speaks that the ovulation should occur or happen with 11 for 16 day, and other doctor speaks that can and up to 20 days. How much or As far as I understand at me does not burst falikul though ripens till the necessary sizes (by US). Help or assist me please. You my last hope.

Malanova T.B.
30.07.2004, 17:12
And can be eat still any gynecologic problems. The ovulation can really occur or happen with 10 up to 20 days of a cycle. But on a background of stimulation of an ovulation, more often she happens for 14 16 days. Whether was at you UZ-the control of body height and break of follicles?
If you live in Moscow, please, come. Ph. 438 23 44 Malanova Tatyana Borisovna.