Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! Three years ago I in a life had such situation, and...

29.07.2004, 21:02
Hello, the doctor! Three years ago I in a life had such situation, and I would like vse-taki in her to understand. In the middle of a cycle I had not protected sexual certificate or act. I have drunk postinor at once, but under the old instruction, t. e. One tablet. In couple of days send or have come monthly, more precisely, a bleeding from postinora. Then, when time of mine monthly on a cycle has come - they were not... I have made the test, and he has shown... TWO strias!!! I hardly have not descended or gone from mind or wit then. Has made the second - he was negative... Next day has gone to the gynecologist, she has examined me and has told or said to wait... Has told or said, that is possible or probable postinor has brought down to me a cycle, and probably and is not present, t. e. I could be the pregnant woman! And so I lived 20 days pending... Not clearly that. But all has ended well - monthly send or have come, it has appeared, that postinor has caused or called disturbance of a cycle though I it or him already accepted kak-that time but then the cycle was not broke or disturbed. But I till now cannot understand here that: Why then the test has shown two strias? From postinora? And more: whether it was right vrach-the gynecologist that has told or said to wait, in fact I could appear the pregnant woman!!! In advance thanks for the answer.

Soboleva L.I.
30.07.2004, 15:07
Hello! 1. postinor does not give 100 % of a guarantee. 2. There are cases when the test gives is false negative answer. Tactics of your doctor was absolutely correct. Pregnancy - such status which demands some time for statement of the diagnosis. This period she also asked you to wait. Even if you would appear the pregnant woman, those 3 weeks changed nothing.