Просмотр полной версии : 1. I accept four months ZHanin for a regulation of a cycle, but a menses of steel...

!! Kat ****
28.07.2004, 11:22
1. I accept four months ZHanin for a regulation of a cycle, but to a menses became very poor or scanty and lasts all about three days. Whether it is necessary to stop reception of tablets?
2. Treated an inflammation of an ovary (nyxes - vitamins and diklofinak, suppositories), but it seems to me that I have not recovered. What treatment can be in the further?
3. Whether the truth that at reception of oral contraceptives can pass or take place an inflammation of appendages itself, iz-for constant enterings of hormones? (though on myself I see what is it not so)

Malanova T.B.
30.07.2004, 01:36
The menses on ZHanine can be poor or scanty. Treatment of an inflammation of appendages by diclofenac is not spent. Means there was no inflammation. Hormones possess weak protivospalitelnym effect, but for antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory treatment are not used. For selection of the further treatment it is necessary to survey you.