Просмотр полной версии : Has made abortion on term beremennsti 9 ned. After it or him 2 days vydeleny were not...

27.07.2004, 19:24
Has made abortion on term beremennsti 9 ned. After it or him 2 days vydeleny were not, have then begun. Has now passed or has now taken place 3 weeks of allocation still there is not enough a brownish color. Later week after abortion did or made US - have told or said, that all in norm or rate.
Whether prompt, please, it is time to sound alarm and what inspections it is necessary to make? Can it is necessary nesk-to have a drink to days Analginum with quinine or t. Item?
In advance thanks for the answer.

29.07.2004, 23:19
Dear Vesta! Before a menses are possible or probable krovjanistye and sanious allocation in small volume. If at US of the rests it is not revealed, in treatment there is no necessity.