Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, and what such gepreticheskaja an infection?...

28.07.2004, 00:42
The doctor, and what such gepreticheskaja an infection?

Oshchepkova S.R.
29.07.2004, 15:16
Genital herpes two different cause, but related or congenerous forms of virus Herpes simplex, known as a virus of herpes of type 1 and a virus of herpes of type 2. Before the virus of herpes of type 1 caused almost exclusively surrounding deprive also simple herpes, and the originator of genital herpes almost invariable bsh a virus of type 2. Now this difference does not exist any more. The genital herpes are usually passed at sexual contact. Transfer can occur or happen as a result of immediate contact to the infected genitals at the sexual relations, at friction of genitals the friend about the friend, at oralno-genital contact, the proctal or anal sexual certificate or act or oralno-proctal or anal contact. Besides the becoming infected of a skin of fingers, beder and other areas in case of disturbance of its or her integrity (cuts, an eruption, other damages) is possible or probable.

The risk of infection with genital herpes for women at contact with infected by the man, having the expressed signs of illness or disease, makes, by estimations, 80 90 % (Straus et al., 1985). For the man the risk to catch as a result of unitary sexual contact to the sick woman is estimated or appreciated approximately in 50 %.

Regarding cases the genital herpes extend less to straight lines by. For example, the virus of simple herpes can be passed through a kiss, and the arisen herpes of a mouth can then extend by autoinfitsirovanija if after fingers have visited a mouth, the person will touch them the genitals.