Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, please, what is the time it is necessary for full restoration gormo...

29.07.2004, 06:39
Tell or Say, please, what is the time it is necessary for full restoration of hormonal balance and what I can be advised in my situation? To me of 25 years. Has married in 23 years and has started to accept "Marvelon", then has replaced on "Logest" (BEFORE In the LIFE DID NOT ACCEPT ANY TABLETS and the cycle was normal!), total in total accepted tablets 1, 5 years. Have then decided to get or start with the husband of the child, it has ceased to be protected - pregnancy does not come 10 months, failures in a cycle have begun. My cycle since time of a cancelling of tablets (34 days, 40, 32, 35, 56, 30, 28, 30, 35, 34). At the husband that's all right.

Soboleva L.I.
29.07.2004, 15:02
Vo-the first 10 months of a regular sexual life is yet sterility or barrenness. Considering an irregularity of a cycle I recommended to spend US in dynamics or changes - to check up is or not the ovulation, within 2 3 months to take basal temperature.
And also to check up a status of a thyroid gland, she often influences a cycle. Besides time to become pregnant be going to - it would be quite good to hand over right now analyses on chronic infections.