Просмотр полной версии : At me have stopped monthly after strong stress (already 1.3.). It was treated...

The button
29.07.2004, 11:23
At me have stopped monthly after strong stress (already 1.3.). It was treated by grasses 8 months, pricked 3 weeks Progesteronum, that vyzvvat monthly, but alas any attributes. Yes, at me Prolactinum 47. To me have attributed Parlodelum, have told or said to start to drink after vozobnovjatsja monthly. It can be pierced still by Progesteronum or nedozhidajas to start to drink Parlodelum

Oshchepkova S.R.
29.07.2004, 14:16
If 47 in mkg/l or ng/ml it is valid more norms or rates and then it is necessary to accept Parlodelum. And whether you checked FSG and 3, 4.