Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! One month ago to me have appointed or nominated Buserelin depot intramusculary...

25.07.2004, 21:27
The dear doctor! One month ago to me have appointed or nominated Buserelin depot intramusculary. Later 2, 5 weeks after a nyxis at me have begun menstrualno a similar bleeding which 8 days proceed here. Snachalo there was very plentiful, now less plentiful, but does not stop. Whether it is normal? Treatment by this preparation have appointed or nominated after a laparoscopy and the laparotomies connected with break of an oothecoma and detection of an endometriosis. I shall be very grateful for the help.

Malanova T.B.
29.07.2004, 13:16
Yes, such can be. poslepenno allocation will end. After the second injection vydeleny will not be.