Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Many thanks for your answers! Prompt pozhajlusta, can...

27.07.2004, 19:47
Hello! Many thanks for your answers! Prompt pozhajlusta, whether the cycle after medikomentoznogo abortion (mefigin) can change. And when about it or her it is possible to expect if abortion was on August, 10th. At the doctor was last time on August, 31st in occasion of that unpleasant sensations in a breast disturbed, but the doctor has told or said, that it's OK. Now about two weeks I feel a pandiculation in the bottom of a stomach or belly. Very much I worry. What is it can be? Whether it is necessary to go again on uzi?

Soboleva L.I.
29.07.2004, 09:28
Hello! After medicamental abortion disturbances of a cycle are quite possible or probable. It will be better, if you address to the gynecologist internally.