Просмотр полной версии : Mummies who will prompt how much is jar Materny in Moscow and where it is possible to...

22.07.2004, 18:58
Mummies who will prompt how much is jar Materny in Moscow and where it is possible to buy or purchase. Thanks.

23.07.2004, 13:54
In Moscow the prices on "Maternu" kolebljatsja from 485 rbl. up to 865 rbl. for 1 jar, in what drugstores the cheapest it is possible to look or see on www. rambler. ru further in the link zdovove, further search of medicines in drugstores of Moscow, type or collect Materna.

24.07.2004, 16:19
ljusja, I recently have bought or purchased to myself vitamins Vitrum Prenatal FORTE and have compared structure with abusive - ACCURACY ON 98 % (in vitrume there is still a pair elements)!!! And costs or stands much more cheaply!!!
And my doctor praises!

25.07.2004, 11:46
And I have found out that Materna has served as fault of my constipations. And there is a jar on polochke to nobody necessary, the thrown out money... And I drink Pregnavit, on mine he nothing concedes to other vitamins.
By the way, if want I can give you this started jar for assay. Write on kno@land. ru

27.07.2004, 03:07
And I buy and I drink "PRENAVIT". It is analogue "Materny"
It is absolutely similar on structure, and the jar containing 30 tablets, costs or stands in drugstores from 98 roubles up to 130 roubles. The price such potomu-that is packaged in Russia. Also I do not know as it happens, but when I have passed with "Prenavita" on "Maternu" at me the hemoglobin with 137 up to 117 has fallen.

28.07.2004, 10:55
I too drink Vitrum Prenatal Forte and is very happy. And if to not like you the price, be not too lazy slazajte on the Internet on drugstores and look or see quotations across Moscow (the difference in the price can be 1, 5 times). While I saw the cheapest variant on Hohlovke.

29.07.2004, 08:59
Oh, girls, thanks all of you big for responses!