Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I would like to learn or find out what tablets posovetyvali you at n...

25.07.2004, 03:28
Hello! I would like to learn or find out what tablets posovetyvali you at below the resulted or brought analysis on hormones? I shall add, that at me a problem with a skin, fat with rashes. LG 7, 8 mme/ml FSG 7, 4 mme/ml Oestradiolum 179 pmol/l Prolactinum 440 mme/ml Progesteronum 1, 3 nmol/l DGEA-Zinci sulfas 4, 7 mkmol/l Testosteron-Depotum 2, 7 nmol/l the Hydrocortisone 320 nmol/l 4 the general or common 77, 7 nmol/l 3 free 4, 87 nmol/l TTG 2, 21 mme/ml. The doctor at whom I am now observed has registered "ZHanin". And in general, how you consider or count the analysis normal or there are problems?

29.07.2004, 03:01
I advise to address to ginekologu-to the endocrinologist as problems with man's hormones are probable. In