Просмотр полной версии : . Respond more quickly! Whether tell or say is (and what) probability of pregnancy...

28.07.2004, 07:36
. Respond more quickly! Whether tell or say is (and what) probability of pregnancy if: it was for the first time and I believe virginities has not lost (bloods was not and up to the extremity or end he has not entered, but pleva likely rastnulas)
We were protected by nothing, but before an ejaculation he has left me. Whether it is necessary to me to drink postinor or the sense is not present? If yes that in tech. What time (has already passed or has already taken place 18 hours) Thanks!

28.07.2004, 14:25
At you a regular cycle? (quantity or amount of days from the beginning of one menses prior to the beginning of following). If bolee-less yes, and the certificate or act has had some days prior to monthly, during them or right after the probability is insignificant. Though happen fly and during monthly even. That he "has left", still nothing means. At men in greasing which is allocated up to an ejaculation, any quantity or amount of spermatozoons can contain. So so to risk more is not necessary. If the certificate or act has fallen to the middle of a cycle approximately... postinor. Though he very much, is very harmful, can cause or call an off-schedule bleeding and hormonal failure. It is necessary to you? Be protected better.

Soboleva L.I.
29.07.2004, 01:11
Hello! If the sexual certificate or act has occured or happened in the middle of a cycle if you are precisely assured, that in case of offensive or approach of pregnancy you will do or make abortion - that to accept postinor (not later than 72 hours after the sexual certificate or act) better. If it happens shortly before or after a menses, and at offensive or approach of pregnancy you decide to save the child postinor to accept it is not necessary. After prinjatnogo decisions wait day of an expected menses and send to the doctor. The doctor will confirm or will deny pregnancy and will help or assist you with a choice of contraception. Therefore as frequent reception postinora is inadmissible.