Просмотр полной версии : Hello, in a following cycle (on May, 12 15th) I am going to to begin a long duct...

20.07.2004, 07:01
Hello, in a following cycle (on May, 12 15th) I am going to to begin the long report. Result of the analysis on Oestradiolum on 7 d. ts. - 18 pg/ml. How it can affect or influence result EKO, and whether I can now something undertake for rising Oestradiolum???

Rabaev S.G.
22.07.2004, 14:07
Specify results dr. Hormones.

26.07.2004, 05:53
Hello. Results of analyses such: Prolactinum on 7 d. ts. - 116 mme/l; FSG on 2 d. ts.-8, 3 mme/l; LG on 2 d. ts. - 3, 6 mme/l; on Progesteronum yet has not received.

Rabaev S.G.
29.07.2004, 00:29
To undertake most what or actions it is not necessary, it is necessary for you to address in advance in clinic where be going to to spend EKO and with the attending physician to discuss the further actions. Ph. for dop,
Consultations and records on procedure EKO (095 7249099
Savely Gavrilovich,