Просмотр полной версии : Respond, please, who such JAsnovidjashchaja? Where it is possible to find the information about n...

09.07.2004, 05:23
Respond, please, who such JAsnovidjashchaja? Where it is possible to find the information on her? How with her to communicate? pochemu-I nothing has found that. She can do much harm to too trustful people. Or she from them only money to receive wants also other harm does not cause or cause?

The anonym
10.07.2004, 21:07
Well you give... To you the Chance is given, and you...

Pasenjuk A.M.
11.07.2004, 19:30
Unfortunately, I can not prompt, but in practice it is known, that often JAsnovidenenie at least leads to a neurosis.

To Alla
13.07.2004, 08:21
That you so, about COLLEAGUES!??

15.07.2004, 00:44
Alla Mihajlovna, thanks for the answer. And itself JAsnovidjashchaja something will respond me?

Advice or Council for JAsnovidjashchej
16.07.2004, 06:06
Not mechite the beads before pigs, yes will be not not trampled by them its or his legs or foots.

17.07.2004, 08:42
Well what for so abruptly. People simply do not understand, it is normal. I in fact can tell or say and about THEIR illnesses or diseases:-).

17.07.2004, 11:28
Question to JAsnovidjashchej: if you really possess such abilities - tell to me, please, about my illnesses or diseases and as you can cure them.

18.07.2004, 19:46
Lena, do not wait from "JAsnovidjashchej" for the intelligible answer. Same so it is obvious, who she such. She does not give any information on, and the link, which have specified (probably its or her people) besides does not contain any concrete information on this person. And in kontse-the extremities or ends to trust such " internetnym to jokers " as she it is simply dangerous. It can in general what nibud the maniac thus people entices, and then... Solve, that for you it is more important...

19.07.2004, 15:31
Well, Lena, koe-that I shall tell or say, but later. To Anna. It is an another's site, besides advertising to me it is necessary, simply it is charity a free minute.

21.07.2004, 05:12
Ureoplazma + TSMV + gardnerella At you are available, Lena.

21.07.2004, 18:09
Very strange way to advertise or promote on an another's site. Get or start the with the INFORMATION On and On the ACTIVITY. Whether and " charity a free minute " means what you help or assist poor sick people absolutely free of charge? Where it is possible to find the real information on you? Can to me too it is necessary to something to treat at you, for example, a clamidiosis, TSMS and gardnerrelu?:-)

22.07.2004, 01:57
Was mistaken, excuse, advertising is not necessary to me, turn for 10 days:). My site it will be fast (foreigners do not understand, speak, that nesolidno) it is ready.

23.07.2004, 13:15
Really it is not solid kak-that, without own site! And where in ochered-that to enter the name? Phone any can is or the address? You that, whether from militia disappear chto-or afraid, what from this site to you people crowds will tumble down? Then what for you in general here stir up water.

The anonym
24.07.2004, 06:01
It seems, the anonym (on August, 03rd 2002 22 : 18 : 10) was right.

The anonym
25.07.2004, 11:11
"Anonym" from what conference? Here such is not present.

25.07.2004, 19:42
For JAsnovidjashchej. Whence you at me so much infections have found? Voobshche-that I still the virgin (me of 17 years) and men at me yet were not and that disturbs me are of a pain during monthly. And on this site I have come for my mum. At her a problem with a uterus, doctors cannot help or assist. Anna, you were right.

25.07.2004, 21:45
Yes, 3 infections at you, have in view of. Hand over analyses PTSR, they will show something from three.

26.07.2004, 14:38
JAsnovidjashchaja, you boolshaja shutnitsa. But in medicine of it or this should not be. Regret even itself for all angrily prichinenoe you to people will return to you back and will fall upon you, sooner or later.

26.07.2004, 20:17
JAsnovidjashchaja, you lag behind at last people with the foolish lime diagnoses. You, probably, in the childhood have not learned, that a life a piece not simple and from the dirty tricks will suffer by all means. Business of time.

27.07.2004, 14:54
I never joke of diagnoses. To in total you kind, address, when will understand that to what.

28.07.2004, 19:07
NARCEDALI, you are absolutely right.