Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! To me have told or said, that at me erosion shejki uteruses. To me 23 years, was...

27.07.2004, 05:14
Good afternoon! To me have told or said, that at me erosion shejki uteruses. To me 23 years, was married, but did not give birth or travail. In what ways it is possible to cure it or her, if not "current" (have told or said, that will not risk, t. To. Did not give birth or travail)? In advance thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
28.07.2004, 18:07
For such erosions nuzho to observe, she can be closed, it is necessary only on a regular basis delatanaliz on a cytology. If the analysis bad also is required treatment, a method of a choice a cryolysis or lazervaporizatsija.