Просмотр полной версии : Inspection of US has shown: On a forward wall of a uterus 6.6 6.5 site see, fi...

Elena, 34
28.07.2004, 01:09
Inspection of US has shown: On a forward wall of a uterus 6.6 6.5 site see, a fibromyoma of a uterus of 9 weeks. An ovary right 3.9 2. 5., left 3.7 2, 6. Are cystically changed. Endometry 3 mm-non-uniform. Operation is made: a separate diagnostic currettage of the cervical channel and a cavity of the uterus. Operation on excision of a cyst and a fibromyoma necessarily? Pregnancy is possible or probable?

Oshchepkova S.R.
28.07.2004, 15:06
Pregnancy probably to bear or take out, if vylushchit the myomatous site (it do or make in 79 hospital, in TSPS ir 1 on the Sevastopol prospectus). Kistoznoizmenennye ovaries operate not always.