Просмотр полной версии : About one year there was an abortion on 7 8 week back. Then I have fallen down it on an angina...

26.07.2004, 21:00
About one year there was an abortion on 7 8 week back. Then I have fallen down it on an angina which was on the first weeks and was treated by Biseptolum (then I did not know about pregnancy). And now, in a year, have found UREAPLASMAS, and have not written, how much they are to eat, and all. Whether can provoke it an abortion? How it is treated and through what time it is possible to think of new pregnancy? (I specially waited year as to me have told or said). Thanks big.

Pasenjuk A.M.
28.07.2004, 10:03
You should pass or take place course of treatment from a ureaplasmosis therefore cho it is very frequent reason of an abortion on early term. After reception of negative results it is possible to become pregnant.