Просмотр полной версии : To my son 19 years are fast, everyone think that to him 14 15. Features nurseries and r...

24.07.2004, 10:33
To my son 19 years are fast, everyone think that to him 14 15.
Features nurseries and body height 167. What I to him not dodala in the childhood? The delivery always was good. Disease what can? Very much I experience.

The anonym
28.07.2004, 00:04
For the beginning show the son to the endocrinologist. A delivery here there is nothing.

28.07.2004, 06:16
Thanks! To the endocrinologist went when I have noticed that he has ceased to grow. He has told or said that deviations or rejections are not present.
Musculation in norm or rate, secondary sexual attributes too much. But why the face does not mature? He can tell or say to me? The matter is that he at us on all city of 2 normal doctors and to get not simply.