Просмотр полной версии : At me in analyses of a smear it is revealed much Leucocytes, and flora with coccuses and d...

27.07.2004, 02:19
At me in analyses of a smear it is revealed much
Leucocytes, and flora with coccuses and diplokokkami. Treatment by Metronidazolum is appointed or nominated to 10 days.
Comments was not, besides that have told or said, that the strongest inflammation. Would like to learn or find out - what is this disease which is caused by these or it diplokokki? And how I could receive it under condition of cleanliness and one sexual partner? Very much I worry, as I have two daughters. Help or assist to understand as as.

Pasenjuk A.M.
28.07.2004, 02:13
Diplokokki concern to uslovnopatogennoj to flora, but one of - them - nejsserii - are originators of a gonorrhea. If it is not specified, that are found nejsserii, shchznachit this usual inflammation caused or called uslovnopatogennoj by flora and demanding treatment. It could be as a result of depression of immunity because uslovnopatogennaja the flora ALWAYS prisutsvuet in an organism and becomes more active or will be activated at weakening of this or it.