Просмотр полной версии : Urgently! Please prompt, than it is possible to treat a bronchitis in 1 m a trimester, in...

25.07.2004, 12:09
Urgently! Please prompt, than it is possible to treat a bronchitis in 1 m a trimester, right at the beginning. The throat tears up mercilessly and bronchuses, tussis. What to do or make? Whether it is possible to use Geksoral, a homeopathy (aflubin or?), can drink any grass. What to do or make!!!

Ryazanov And.
26.07.2004, 23:04
Nadja, be not engaged in a selftreatment and do not put to itself diagnoses. If it really bronchitis, address to the doctor. Now facilitate your position can bioparoks. It is possible to rinse or gargle a throat broths from grasses: camomiles and Calendulaes (it is possible to add salt and soda - on 1 glass of broth on 1. L. Salts and soda). Plentiful drink: tea with a raspberry, a lemon, nastoj a dogrose, Viburnum, a cranberry, sea-buckthorn berries, a mountain ash. At a laryngitis, a tracheitis I recommend such collecting: fetuses fenhelja - 1 part, mint, a camomile, - on 3 parts. A teaspoon of the collecting to make a glass of boiled water, to insist 30 minutes, to filter. And also use honey, an onion and garlic. At a fervescence above 38 - Paracetamolum. The Confinement to bed.

27.07.2004, 12:37
Thanks. Necessarily to the doctor, but after holidays. As the temperature is not present, simply tussis tearing up directly on an equal place has arisen. Once again many thanks to you.

27.07.2004, 22:40
I had a same history, but in the second trimester. There are such ointments for ORZ - there contains evkalipt, Mentholum, etc. Usually smear on a breast for the night that respiratory ways have opened... Reminds on a smell Vietnamese "asterisk". At us is called "evaporol". But in drugstores there should be something similar. And, certainly, milk with honey for the night. If is koze bacon, kindle in the table spoon, grease a breast, a foot and ladoshchki and in heat...
Well still edovuju a cell on the top part of a breast and a back... At me, thanks God, already is not present...