Просмотр полной версии : I conduct a regular sexual life. But recently there was a problem. Here a week...

Marina With.
25.07.2004, 22:08
I conduct a regular sexual life. But recently there was a problem. Here a week at sex contact there is a burning sensation and morbid sensation in a vagina. Any vydeleny is not present. What is it can be?

26.07.2004, 04:00
Marinas, you know at me the same problem, only she has begun recently and already rather for a long time.
After the first sexual akata and even after the second it's OK, and here at the third the burning sensation begins directly at an input or entrance in a vagina.
Has gone to consultation while have told or said nothing certain, here tomorrow I shall go again reception, can that will tell or say...

27.07.2004, 13:22
At me was too most, it has appeared, what is it an allergy on greasing of a condom.