22.07.2004, 10:14
Dear g-yes, pozh-that respond. To me 29 years we take. The-first. On February, 14th there were last monthly 29.02 - an ovulation, 1.03 the temperature has risen. Raised or increased rate. (37 37.1) was in current of 19 days (usually phase of a yellow body at me 12 13 days), then were any allocation not similar on monthly and twice distempers. Fell then again sharply rose up to 36.8 36.9).. Tests show a precise but weak second stria since March, 7th and to this day, but the doctor on uzi (posledn. On March, 29th) nothing videt neither in a uterus nor outside of) also asks to wait till 7 weeks (obstetric). Unfortunately at us in republic do not do or make analysis HGCH by birth. Explain please, whether I am pregnant and whether is valid so the fetus on uzi longly cannot be visible.