Просмотр полной версии : Whether the doctor necessarily to me to do or make diagnostic cleaning in occasion of fibroaden...

26.07.2004, 11:00
Whether the doctor necessarily to me to do or make diagnostic cleaning in occasion of fibroadenomnogo a polyp of a uterus? Three months ago at a bleeding have made cleaning and gistologicheski have found out fibroadenomnyj a polyp! The doctor recommends to make in half a year again cleaning! But it would not be desirable to resort to this procedure! Can there are other ways imsledovanija the polyp has renewed or not!

Klimov Sergey Sergeevich
27.07.2004, 07:25
There is other method - a hysteroscopy but if the polyp again will appear it or him it is necessary to remove.

The doctor akusher-the gynecologist, MMA it or him of Setchenov.