Просмотр полной версии : In October after the sexual certificate or act there was an itch in the field of labiums and a clitoris. Through n...

26.07.2004, 20:08
In October after the sexual certificate or act there was an itch in the field of labiums and a clitoris. In some days have gone or send monthly with strong pains I has gone to the doctor, the doctor has appointed or nominated uzi and has told or said that there are no occasions for trouble and has written out to me tablets from a pain at monthly. After a while after that have appeared white allocation with a small smell. As the doctor has told or said that it's OK, I about what did not worry and did not go any more to the doctor. But at me till now proceed small allocation and sometimes an itch.
Besides the last 1, 5 months have appeared purulent spots, voemozhno it svjazanno with illnesses or diseases of a stomach or a wrong delivery or ginekologie. To me of anything from them does not help or assist one disappear and others appear. At the same time I accept 3 months levotiroksin 100 for treatment chetovidki. Prompt please that to me to do or make.

Malanova T.B.
27.07.2004, 03:26
It is desirable to make smears on flora, as at you, probably, a thrush. If you shave a zone of bikini pustules at you can be - cauterize a strong solution of potassium permanganate.